Monday Dec 20, 2021

Mothers and Magic at Yule

Tabitha and Molly talk about:
- Winter Goddesses from Skadi to Frau Holle or Perchta
- Her benevolent and evil aspects, her Wild Hunt.
- Female ghosts or spirits, the Disir, Modranicht
- Tolkien's Galadriel, Thorbiorg, Veleda as Seeresses of the North
- The Christmas spirit, A Christmas Carol, keeping the enchantment alive
Songs:  Wake Skadi by Hagalaz' Runedance and Heyr himna smiður

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Hopefully this doesn‘t become redundant by the end of the episode, but Freyja Aswynn has some interesting theories about Goddess etymology, among which is that she asserts Skadhi is related to the Scottish Scàthach, her Island of Skye and Scotland itself. Rather interesting given the potential relation of the name Skadhi with our modern English ”scathe,” her use of serpents to punish Loki and the idea that Saint Padraic drove serpents from Ireland - and by potential extension the Celtic Isles.

Tuesday Dec 21, 2021

This episode felt nice for a variety of reasons. Uplifting yet simultaneously grounding. ”...carry the energy into 2022...” Yes. I agree.

Monday Dec 20, 2021

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